Close collaboration with other providers in the health care system is an important part of our work:
To arrange appointments with psychotherapists, you can also contact the appointment service centres of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians [in German].

For adolescents
This website [in German] provides general information on mental disorders and psychotherapy:
- Normal? What is normal? (Normal? What is normal?)
Young people talk about their feelings on the website “GeFühle fetzen” of the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists n.e.V. (BPtK) [in German]:
- Unendlich traurig (Infinitely sad)
- Weiter, immer weiter (Just keep going)
- Mein fremder Körper (My strange body)
- Ich bin nicht gut genug (I am not good enough)
- Schmerzen, die gut tun (Pain that feels good)
- Angst, die nicht weggeht (Fear that won’t go away)
- Rasend vor Wut (Raging with anger)
For parents
Here, parents can find valuable information on psychotherapy and current topics, such as how to manage your child’s internet access [in German]:
- Elternratgeber Psychotherapie (Parents’ guide to psychotherapy)
- Elternratgeber Internet (Parents’ guide to the internet)